Wednesday 2 April 2014

“We have been God-like in our planned breeding of our domesticated plants and animals, but we have been rabbit-like in our unplanned breeding of ourselves.” Arnold Toynbee, the noted British economic historian, 1852 to 1883.
"Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly...funds that
should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted
to maintenance of those who should never have been born."
Margaret Sanger, (Founder of Planned Parenthood), The Pivot of Civilization.

Are these the ‘Useless Eaters’? Who are the Useless Eaters referred to by the Club of Rome? Are they the billions of humans who barely eek out an existence and only survive because of the constant aid from the Developed World? There are now, in 2014, more than 7.2 billion humans on this small planet of ours, and counting, add a minimum of 100 million extra people every year, 95 million of these from the Developing Countries.

Is the world overpopulated? Is the future of our world and our continuing civilization safe? I contend the answers are yes and no, in that order! Perhaps you agree? 

Is the world overpopulated? Is the future of our world and of our continuing civilization safe? I contend the answers are yes and no, in that order. Perhaps you agree?

Monday 31 March 2014

Can we slow population growth?

According to the Worldwatch Institute, a nonprofit environmental think tank, the overriding challenges facing our global civilization are to curtail climate change and slow population growth. “Success on these two fronts would make other challenges, such as reversing the deforestation of Earth, stabilizing water tables, and protecting plant and animal diversity, much more manageable,” reports the group. “If we cannot stabilize climate and we cannot stabilize population, there is not an ecosystem on Earth that we can save.”